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Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS): Proof Reading for Grammar Toolkit

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Self-study grammar resources


If you prefer online, interactive resources to develop your mastery of English grammar, here is an illustrative selection:

  1. Cambridge English A range of English Language self-study activities organised by topic and level.
  2. English for Uni (University of Adelaide)

    This multimedia resource provides detailed explanations of some grammar issues with relevance to academic writing (Articles, Tenses, The Passive, Prepositions). Information is presented as a webpage and video story. Activities with key can be completed online or downloaded in an editable version.

  3. English Page Free online English lessons (introductory-level explanations on a range of grammar issues followed by self-assessment tests)

  4. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL, Purdue University)

    Detailed grammar explanations with examples, some activities (with key). Printable worksheets. Areas include: prepositions, articles, verbs, adjectives, numbers etc.

  5. The Internet Grammar of English (University College London)

    This is essentially a comprehensive online grammar book (or course), also available as an app. Good search options. Detailed explanations, followed by independent study activities.

  6. University of Hull Library Skills Grammar Resource This provides brief explanations on a handful of grammar issues (including Sentence Structure, Tenses, Punctuation, Commonly Confused Words) with a focus on their role in academic writing. Each section is followed by a short quiz.