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Librarians: Working with academic staff

What we can do for you

The faculty librarian for your subject area is your library point of contact and can:

- Support you in the creation of online resource lists to make sure that the recommended reading is available in the library

- Deliver information skills and referencing sessions as part of your module

- Help you locate information/resources

- Produce Library update reports for PMBs and other staff/student committees.

Requesting skills sessions for your modules

We can run sessions or part of sessions covering literature searching and referencing.

Get in touch with us to request or discuss learning and academic skills support in your modules. If you'd like session on both academic writing and finding information/referencing, we can also run session in collaboration with CLaSS.


Advice on referencing

The  main referencing style used at DMU is Harvard (Cite The Right). We have created a number of resources that you can direct students to for guidance on Referencing:

Ensuring the library has got the right resources for your students

All the materials you expect your students to read, watch or listen to, should be added to the module's online resource list.

Check the Resource list guide for more information on all aspects of resource lists, including how to create and edit them

We offer a range of support to enable you to create your lists beside the online course available from the resource list guide::