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Harvard Referencing Guide: Images within a book

Image(s) or diagram(s) within a book

Where the image or diagram citied from a book is the work of the author use the citation for the book and add the page number as you would for a direct quote. Where the image or diagram cited from a book is not the work of the author, additional reference to the work should be made, as follows:


ARTIST (Year) Title of the work. [Material type] At or In: (where found, for example in a book or museum). AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) of book (Year) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Page number.

e.g. MASOLINO, T. (1427) The temptation of Adam and Eve. [Painting] In: BRUCE-MITFORD, M. (1996) The illustrated book of signs and symbols. London: Dorling Kindersley, p.63.



e.g. MINTZBERG, H. (1979) The basic parts of organisations – Mintzberg’s model. [Diagram] In: COLE, G.A. (2004) Management theory and practice. 6th ed. London: Thomson, p.186.