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PhD Reserchers: PhD Researchers

PhD Researchers

Finding material

See the Discovering research tab for information and support in searching for information

Referencing and RefWorks

Support is available for a range of different referencing styles from our online referencing guide

RefWorks is a reference management software package that allows you to store references and create a bibliography or reference list in your document. See the RefWorks online guide for more information. An online course is available, and workshops delivered via our Open Programm and via the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme.

Research Data Management

Research data management (or RDM) is a term that describes the organization, storage, preservation, and sharing of data collected and used in a research project. It involves the everyday management of research data during the lifetime of a research project. It also involves decisions about how data will be preserved and shared after the project is completed (for example, depositing the data in a repository for long-term archiving and access). See our RDM guide for more information

PhD students can use DMU Figshare. This is a cloud-based data repository that supports multiple file formats. 

Postgraduate study room

A dedicated postgraduate room is available on the Lower Ground floor of the kimberlin Library, offering a quiet study space. Use your university student card to get access.

Archives & Special Collections

DMU Special Collections comprises archives, artefacts, rare books and artworks. Our holdings encompass the history of DMU as an institution, with specialist holdings on sports history, dance, theatre and art, film and television, the history of photography, fashion and textiles, and the history of Leicester. Stand-out holdings are those of fashion designer Dame Zandra Rhodes, artist Andrew Logan, the Leicester Tigers Rugby Club and the Tony Hancock Appreciation Society.

Staff are always happy to discuss archival research in general if students are looking for advice.

For more information please see our website


Prospective students

Prospective students can apply for membership of the library for a fee. Former students and staff (alumni) are eligible for free membership. This provides access to our physical stock and facilities. Our visitor guide provides more information

Publisher licences only allow us to provide electronic material to current students, only available to you once registered. 

However, a growing range of open access material now exists (i.e. research that is not held behind a paywall and is openly accessible to anyone). This blog post outlines the different sources of open material, as well as collections available via public libraries and the British Library. Information is also available on our alumni webpages.

The Doctoral College has guidance on writing your research proposal.

Researcher Development Training

Library and Learning Services deliver a number of workshops as part of the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme.

  • Literature searching
  • Managing your references with RefWorks
  • AI tools for literature reviews
  • Copyright and your thesis

Sign up via the Doctoral College training portal ResJourney

View recordings and material in the Research Student Community in LearningZone

  • A Literature Searching for Systematic Reviews Online course is also available

Academic skills support

We offer 1:1 tutorials, and drop-ins in-person and online to support the following skills:

  • Writing, reading and effective studying 
  • Maths and Statistics
  • Literature searching, identifying resources, critical appraisal, and referencing 
  • MS Office365, Learning Technologies and Assistive Technology 

You can also access a programme of workshops available to all DMU students.

For online guides and videos on a range of academic and study skills, see the I need help with page

Digital Skills

The Digital skills website provides more information about IT, including:

View the following FAQs for information on what software is available on machines within the library

Writing Group

The Writing Group for Research Students is an informal group that meets online on a monthly basis to discuss topics related to writing at doctoral level. Whether you've only just started your research or are in the writing up stages, all research students are welcome

See the Writing Group for Research Students page for more information

Writing Circle

The Writing Circle is an informal writing session for PhD researchers and staff, providing an opportunity to share tips and
techniques with other writers and supporting you in meeting your writing goals.

See the Writing Circle Page for more information.

Postgraduate Group Online (POGO)

The Postgraduate Group On Campus (or ‘POGO’) is an opportunity for taught postgraduates and postgraduate research students to meet one another online to talk about aspects of postgraduate study and scholarship.

The focus will be on academic reading and writing, good academic practices, the link between theory and practice, and the exchange of research, ideas and approaches with an inter-disciplinary focus. 

Sessions are monthly on the first Wednesday afternoon of the month from 2-4pm. They take place via MS Teams

Find more information about POGO