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Writing and Reading Groups Destination Pages: Writing Group for Research Students

Writing Group for Research Students

The Writing Group for Research Students is a small, informal group that meets on a monthly basis to discuss topics related to writing at doctoral level. Whether you've only just started your research or are in the writing up stages, all research students are welcome. We're always looking for new members, so please do come along to see what we do.

The Writing Group for Research Students has a dedicated Teams community space where you can receive communication about future meetings, access resources from previous sessions or simply chat.

Bookings are available via the Doctoral College Training portal, ResJourney:

 For more details and/or to join our Teams community, you can also contact the organiser, Arina Cirstea, by emailing

In some of our meetings, participants are invited to take part in a peer review activity. To receive feedback on a sample of your writing from the presenters as well as fellow participants, please email a short draft (no more than 2 pages) to the organiser in advance of the workshop. We encourage everyone to take part, even if you do not want feedback on your own writing.

The programme for the 2024/25 Writing Group for Research Students will be made available at the end of September.

Here is an overview of the sessions that took place in the 2023/24 academic year:

  • Week 4, 26 October 2023, 10-12 Critical thinking

    Evidence of critical thinking is a key requirement of writing at doctorate level. This session explored what we mean by criticality in the context of doctoral research and provided some practical strategies to approach reading for a thesis and develop a critical response to the work of others.

    Week 8, 23 November 2023, 10-12 Writing Introductions

    In this workshop we discussed strategies to structure an introduction. These strategies could be useful for shaping the Introduction chapter to a PhD thesis, but also for developing introductory sections to shorter research papers, such as critical reviews or journal articles.

    Week 11, 14 December 2023, 10-12 Literature reviews

    This workshop discussed strategies for planning and structuring a critical literature review.

    Week 17, 25 January 2024, 10-12 Dealing with procrastination

    In this meeting we thought about some of the reasons why writers procrastinate, as well as shared tips for managing writing and getting things done.

    Week 21, 22 February 2024, 10-12 Writing abstracts

    This session explored different types of abstracts, and provided some tips on structuring  effective abstracts for conference presentations, research articles as well as a PhD thesis.

    Week 25, 21 March 2024, 10-12 Planning your Discussion chapter

    This session focused on the discussion of research findings. It explored the role that theory can play in this section of a PhD thesis, and introduced some commonly used strategies for structuring a Discussion chapter and developing a critical approach to research findings.

    Week 29, 25 April 2024, 10-12 Planning and writing a journal article (IMRaD structure)

    This workshop provided a brief introduction to different routes into academic publication, as well as discussing some practical strategies to prepare a manuscript for submission. While the session made reference to structural templates popular across a range of disciplines, a particular focus was placed on the IMRaD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion) common in most branches of science, including life and social sciences.

    Week 33, 16 May 2024, 10-12 Editing and proof reading techniques

    This session discussed revision and proof reading tools and techniques that may be useful when polishing individual thesis chapters as well as preparing work for final submission.

    Week 37, 13 June 2024, 10-12 Dealing with feedback

    Feedback is essential to the academic writing process; as a doctoral student, you constantly receive feedback from supervisors, reviewers, and others. But how can you make the best use of it? This workshop explored some of the pitfalls of dealing with feedback, and proposed some strategies for acting on feedback to improve our writing.

    Week 41, 11 July 2024, 10-12 End-of-year reflection: your writing goals for the summer

    The final meeting of the academic year invited participants to an informal conversation about their experiences of research and writing so far. We also exchanged tips about resources and support that can help further along the way.