Researchers can make versions of their research freely available where publisher licences permit. has no connection with DMU and individual authors are themselves responsible for uploading the correct and legitimate version of their articles.
BASE is a search engines especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.
Search across repositories, like DORA, at other universities
Directory of open access journals
Search for articles within journals that are open access and provide freely available content.
DMU's repository including access to journal articles and other research carried out by members of the university. Access to the full-text is free where publishers allow.
A scholarly search tool. Articles that are freely available will include a link to the full-text
Read a restricted number of articles for free
OpenDOAR lets you search for repositories or search repository contents
Researchers can make versions of their research freely available where publisher licences permit. ResearchGate has no connection with DMU and individual authors are themselves responsible for uploading the correct and legitimate version of their articles.
Indexing over 200 million academic papers sourced from publisher partnerships, data providers, and web crawls. Links to open access full-text where available
Find full-text access to books. The advanced setting will allow you to refine your search to ebooks only.
Directory of open access books
Links to free ebooks.
British Library service providing downloadable PDFs of over 600,000 UK doctoral theses
See the public library access page for details about the British Library print and digital collections
Most search engines tend to focus on information published from the Global North. This document provides details of databases that index publications from the global south to enable a more diverse and global picture of research.
Provides some free company information
UK Government information and profiles
Provides some interesting if light demographics data
Company Spotlight is PrecisionIR's website providing Annual Reports for the world's top publicly traded companies. They also have aggregated content (video, PowerPoint, Webcasts, and more) for over 24,000 companies.
Represents agencies, brands and media promoting the role, rights and responsibilities of advertising and its impact on individuals, the economy and society. There is also links to Credos their advertising think-tank with downloadable reports on issues related to advertising.
Advertising Standards Authority
The Advertising Standards Authority is the independent body set up by the advertising industry to police the rules laid down in the advertising codes. The latest investigations, adjudications and research are downloadable from the site.
Kompass is a well-known and reliable business to business global trade directory. Simple or advanced searches on products and companies are possible. Basic information is freely accessible. More detailed information is available on a subscription or pay per view service.
Comprehensive information on manufacturers and suppliers of products in the USA. There is little or no financial data, just detailed product information with a Product News section with articles and market news on the latest innovations.
Covers some free financial information