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Dare To Be Mentoring: Sarah

Sarah Solarin, BSc Psychology with Criminology

How did you find out about Dare to Be Mentoring?

I found out about Dare to Be Mentoring during a PAVE conference.

Why did you decide to take part?

I decided to take part because in my first year I struggled with time management and handling all my assignments, so I thought it would be a good idea to speak to someone and hear their strengths and weaknesses and find out the best and effective way to handle my assignments.

What was the first meeting with your mentor like?

The first meeting with my mentor was good. Before going into it, I was extremely nervous, but when I went, my mentor was extremely nice and the conversation flowed nicely too.

What skills and qualities did you want to develop?

The skills and qualities that I wanted to develop were confidence, organisation skills and time management skills.

What has been the best part about mentoring?

The best part about mentoring has been that I realised that I was not alone. The struggles that I was going through were common in other students which made me feel less nervous. Also, it was helpful that there was someone there to talk to and hearing their advice and feedback.

What advice would you give to those considering taking part?

The advice that I would give to others that are considering taking part is go for it! We are only here for a certain amount of time, so make use of all the opportunities that are available to you.

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