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Dare To Be Mentoring: Become a mentor


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What is involved?

As a mentor, you will undertake a training and selection process, before being matched with a student mentee.
You will negotiate a suitable pattern of engagement with your student (‘mentee’) and will work with each other through the course of the academic year.

Who can participate?

Any member of DMU staff, alumni and honorands can apply to become mentors.

What are the benefits?

For mentors, the aim is to foster a greater understanding of the issues facing our students and to gain insight to the student's perspective. Mentoring also allows you to use your skills and experience to guide your mentee, and in doing so provides an opportunity for self-reflection.

How do I take part?

As part of the application process, we ask you to consider what topics you will talk to your mentee about and how you can relate your skills and experience.

To participate in the scheme, please complete and submit an application. If you have previously taken part in Dare to Be, you do not need to apply online.

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Become a mentor

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