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Dare To Be Mentoring: Karolina

Karolina Stepczyk, BSc Biomedical Science

How did you find out about Dare to Be Mentoring?

I found out about Dare to Be Mentoring during a PAVE conference.

Why did you decide to take part?

I decided to take part because I wanted to develop myself and my skills and get some advice from someone who is far more experienced than me.

What was the first meeting with your mentor like?

Before my first meeting, I was nervous but it turned out to be great. I had a friendly mentor who helped me understand my goals and find ways to reach them.

What skills and qualities did you want to develop?

I wanted to develop time management and organisational skills and to help understand and find ways to fulfil my goals.

What has been the best part about mentoring?

The best part was having someone there to be able to ask anything.

What advice would you give to those considering taking part?

Go for it! There is always something you can gain out of this mentoring.

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