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Dare To Be Mentoring: Become a mentee

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Over 100 DMU students have taken part in Dare to Be mentoring. Here’s how you can join them and benefit from having your own mentor.

What is involved?

Application: To get involved and receive mentorship, you'll need to complete an online application form. This form asks you to think about the type of skills or qualities you would like to develop through mentoring, which will help us match you with the most suitable mentor.

Training: Students then take part in a briefing and preparation session. This session sets out what mentoring involves, how you can best prepare for your meetings and how to get the most out of it.

Experience: You will then be invited to take part in a group mentoring session. This is an ideal opportunity to find out what mentoring feels like as well as give you an opportunity to meet some of our mentors. 

Matching: Students are then matched with a suitable mentor. Matches are made based on the skills students want to develop and the expertise and interests of our mentors.

Our mentors are members of DMU staff, alumni and honorands (recipient of an honorary doctorate or degree). Between them, they have a wide range of experiences and expertise to share with students.

Mentoring meetings: Once matched, students and mentors agree regular times to meet with each other through the course of the academic year. This is flexible, though we recommend at least one hour per month in order to get the most out of the experience.

What are the benefits?

Mentoring can support the wellbeing of our students to ensure they feel safe, secure and settled into life at DMU.

It can help our students gain a sense of belonging and feel accepted as part of the DMU community.

It can promote higher level aspirations, and help students with excelling at their studies to achieve their full potential.

Who can participate?

Any current DMU student can apply to take part in Dare to Be mentoring.

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