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Copyright, Licensing and GDPR: The Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA) Education Establishment Licence

The Newspaper Licensing Agency Licence

This licence records the terms on which the CLA, as agent for NLA grants a licence to De Montfort University to reproduce articles from NLA Newspapers and NLA Newspaper Websites. The licence permits us to copy and circulate cuttings from certain newspapers (i) for distribution to staff for internal use, and (ii) for distribution to students for their educational and instructional purposes.

Newspapers covered by the licence

An up-to-date list of national newspapers covered by the licensing scheme can be found on Newspaper Licensing Agency website.  The University also has a licence extension covering a number of regional and local papers.  Multiple copying from newspapers not listed is not covered by the NLA licence or by fair dealing and permission must be sought from the publisher before such copying takes place. 

Permissions granted by the licence

The licence permits the following activities:

  • Copying, as part of an internal distribution service, of cuttings taken from an NLA newspaper.

  • Inclusion of photocopies of cuttings in study packs.

  • Projection of cuttings taken from newspapers by illumination onto a screen.

  • Making a digital (scanned) cuttings from most NLA Newspapers.There are some exclusions: check the Newspaper Licensing Agency website for an up to date list.


Each copy or collation of copies made either as part of the clippings service or for students must include the notice: “NLA licensed copy. No further copies may be made except under the licence”.

Limitations to the licence

The following restrictions apply:

  • Copying may only take place on the licensee’s premises within the UK, or in countries where the NLA does not have a foreign collecting society or publisher.

  • Copying is only for members of the institution’s staff and its students.

  • As regards distribution to students for their educational and instructional purposes, only one copy of each cutting is made for each student and lecturer.

  • No alterations may be made to the size or layout of cuttings copied beyond what is reasonably required for educational purposes.