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Architecture: Databases

What are databases?

Library databases are online resources you can search to find reliable information from trusted sources.  Databases can be general or subject specific and can include a wide range of content including full text journal articles, ebooks, reports, abstracts, conference proceedings etc. 

Library Search is a database of databases and allows you to search the content of most databases in one go. 

New Digimap Drawing Tools (from January 2021)

Please watch the video below to find out more about these new tools. 

New Digimap Drawing Tools

Key Databases for Architecture students course

Key Databases for Architecture

Click on the image above to access this online course which highlights the specialist resources provided by the Kimberlin Library for the School of Architecture. Find out how to access these and how they can best help you in different areas of your studies. You can work you way through the whole course to familiarise yourself with all of these resources, or just dip in and out to view those you are interested in at any time.