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Assignments and Exams: Presentations

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Doing presentations

Presentations are often given as a form of assessment. You could be required to present in person or produce a recorded presentation or screencast.  You will usually need to do some research for you dissertation and are usually required to provide references too so the finding information and referencing guides may be useful to you.


You can use the following software to create presentations. Check your assignment brief for which software to use.

  • PowerPoint

  • Sway

PowerPoint is the main presentation software in MS365. Main features to explore when creating PowerPoints:

  • Design and Layout (e.g. use of themes and colour palette)

  • Slide Transitions

  • Animation of objects

  • Rehearse timing and synchronization of points

  • Record and playback of Presentation

  • DMU Replay and recording presentation for assignment submissions.

Sway is another presentation program and is part of your MS365 DMU subscription. It is accessible online via MS365 and is alternative presentation software. Check your assignment briefs if you can use Sway instead of PowerPoint.

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