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Assignments and Exams: Posters

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Creating an academic poster

Academic posters are increasingly being given as a type of assignment. While you will have to write less than you would you will usually still need to reference your work and use evidence to support your argument. You should write in a formal academic style but you can use bullet points. It is important that your poster has a clear structure and is clear to read.


You can use the following software to create posters

  • PowerPoint
  • MS Publisher
  • Adobe Indesign (advanced publishing software)
  • Paint (to work images)

MS Publisher is Microsoft publishing software and will allow you to set page size and layout templates. You can also use PowerPoint to create posters, however, you have to set the page layout and page size first. 

Book onto a Poster workshop using PowerPoint or Publisher. Or, if you would prefer to use Adobe Indesign for advanced industry-level publishing, book onto the Get Started on Adobe InDesign workshop. 

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