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Research Data Management: Funder requirements

Funders' requirements

Funding imageIncreasingly funders are requiring grant applicants and holders to explain and account for how they manage and share their data.  Each funder has slightly different requirements, so it is important to check what your funder requires, at the point that you are applying for funding.

The following sections link to summaries of the main funders' data policies.

Other funders

Other funders

Check your funders' policies before you apply, so that you can make sure you can meet their requirements and include any costs needed within your funding application.

Concordat on Open Research Data

The Concordat on Open Research Data was developed by a UK multi-stakeholder group, including Research England, the UK Research Councils, Universities UK and Wellcome. 

It aims to help ensure that the research data gathered and generated by members of the UK research community is made openly available for use by others wherever possible in a manner consistent with relevant legal, ethical, disciplinary and regulatory frameworks and norms, and with due regard to the costs involved.

DMU Policy

Policy on Managing Research Data at DMU

"DMU researchers are required to comply with the conditions of their research funders’ data management policies."

DMU RDM Training


Click to go to the DMU Research Data Management Course