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New RefWorks: Managing folders and projects

Managing folders

You can create folders to organise your references. 

  • Select My Folders from the menu on the left hand side and then Add a folder. 

RefWorks right-hand menu

  • Drag and drop your references into the folder OR
  • Click on the checkboxes next to your references and click on the folder icon:

Adding references to folders

When creating folders think about the name you give it - is it a meaningful name?

You may want to organise your folders by theme or by categories.

You may want a folder for each chapter you are writing with subfolders to help you organise your references even further.

Whichever way you choose to create folders and subfolders consider the quantity of references you import into each folder. Too large a number can become overwhelming - this is where the use of subfolders becomes really useful.

Creating subfolders

To create a subfolder click on the three dots next to your folder and choose Add subfolder

Creating subfolders

Managing projects

You can create multiple Projects within RefWorks to help manage your references. 

When you first begin using RefWorks all of your references will be available in a default 'Untitled project' view. You can leave this as it is and keep all of your references in one place, using Folders to manage references for different assignments, papers etc. However, if you have a large amount of references e.g. for a systematic review, you may prefer to use the Project option to manage them. 

Creating a new Project

If you wish to split your references between different Projects you will need to set up a new Project.

  • To do this click on the arrow next to Untitled Project in the top left-hand corner

The Project drop-down menu icon

  • Click on Manage Projects
  • Click on Create a new Project button
  • Enter a name for your new Project and click Save
  • To start using your new Project click on the title. 
  • When exporting references RefWorks will offer you the choice of exporting references to your current Project or choose another one. 

NB. Using Projects is different from using Folders. When using Folders you can add a reference to multiple folders and can always click on All Documents to see all of the references in your account. With Projects your references in each Project are separate from each other and cannot be moved between different Projects. 

Swapping between Projects

To swap between Projects click on the arrow next to the title of your Project and choose another Project

The Projects menu

  • To rename a Project click on the arrow next to the Project's name and click on Manage projects
    The Projects menu
  • Click on Action next to your Project and click Rename
    Actions menu to rename a Project

When you open RefWorks Citation Manager in Word it will ask you to choose the Project you want to use. You can only add references from one Project per document so make sure all the references you want to use are in the same Project.