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Leisure Reading Collection: Book Reviews and Recommendations

Information on how to access literature to enhance your leisure time!

What book would you recommend?

Not got time to write a review of that brilliant book you read? Then why not recommend your favourite book to the DMU community by completing this very short recommendation form? All we need is the title of the book - and the author if you know it - and a couple of words that describe the book!

Click on this link or on the picture below to access the recommendation form!

Recommendation form

Book reviews and recommendations from the DMU community

What did you think of that book you just read?

On this page you'll find a selection of reviews from our students and staff of books from the collection they've read!

You will also find recommendations of titles that people have enjoyed reading!

If you would like to comment about a book you've read, or recommend a title, then scroll down to the bottom of this page where you will find a book review submission form and a recommendation form. Thanks!

Here's a review from a member of DMU staff:

Handwriten book review


'A Far Cry from Kensington' by Muriel Sparks 

Have you read 'A far cry from Kensington?' by Muriel Spark? A member of the DMU community has, and they found it to be "Elegant, Satisfying, and Well-plotted"!

Before, during, and after reading it they felt "Engrossed, Intrigued, and Amused" ... want to read this book for yourself? Find it on the main shelves in the Kimberlin Library at 923.914 SPA. You can check here first to see if it's out on loan.

Submit a book review!

If you've read a book from the Kimberlin Library Leisure Reading Collection, why not write a review and help your friends and colleagues decide if it's a book they want to read?! 

Full instructions on the submission form


Hints for Writing a Book Review