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Leisure Reading Collection: Home

Information on how to access literature to enhance your leisure time!

Leisure Reading Collection

The Leisure Reading Collection is a small collection of titles for pleasure reading and books chosen specifically to enhance your wellbeing whilst studying with DMU. With books by a diverse range of authors, the collection offers an insight into lives and cultures from around the world. In amongst the shelves you will find novels of all types, and resources connected with health and wellbeing, like mindfulness. The collection also houses graphic novels and biographies. 

Where is the Leisure Reading Collection?

The Leisure Reading Collection is a selection of physical books and is held in the Kimberlin Library! More explicitly, once you have entered the Kimberlin building and passed through the turnstiles and the glass doors ahead of you, turn to your left and you'll find the collection in the area ahead of you. Just in case you're wondering, the textbooks and other material to directly support your studies will be upstairs on either the First Floor or the Second Floor of the library building!

This is where you can find the Kimberlin Library, along with its opening times.


Searching the Library Catalogue

As well as browsing the shelves in the Leisure Reading Collection, hoping you'll find something of interest, you can also search for specific items - or for a complete list of what is held in the collection - using the Library Catalogue. The easiest way to do this is to type the phrase "leisure reading collection" into the search box: this will return all the items in the collection. If you want to check if a specific title is in the collection, type that title into the Library Catalogue search box, and scroll down to the location and copy information where you will be able to find out where the book is held. If it's in the Leisure Reading Collection, the information will show as "One available at Leisure reading Collection". If this box shows a date, then the item is on loan: click on the Expand All link to see if this item is part of the Leisure Reading Collection.