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TV and Radio on demand (BoB): Licensing

Educational Recording Agency Licence

The University's ERA (Education Recording Agency) licence permits registered users to record off-air broadcasts by ERA's members (including the main terrestrial channels), for non-commercial educational purposes. 

Can I upload off-air broadcasts on LearningZone ?

The University subscribes to the ERA Plus Licence. This means that recordings can be incorporated into LearningZone modules and accessed by students anywhere in the UK.

Can I record parts of programmes ?

Yes, extracts or parts of a programme can be recorded and then stored in either analogue or digital form.  Note that they should be properly labelled, for more information see the licence details or email the contacts on this guide.

Can I adapt recordings ?

No.  Programmes must be used as it has been broadcast.  This does not stop extracts or clips from programmes being used.

However, adapting, amendment, distortion, or mutilation of material is not authorised under the Licence.  For example, adapting a recording by seperating the original soundtrack from the picture and substituting a new commentary for the original is not permitted.

Can I supply recordings to students based overseas ?

No, supplying recordings in either hard copy form or electronic means to distance learning students outside the UK is not permitted under the licence.

Further Information

The link below provides further information on the Educational Recording Agency licence.