If you prefer to access the information in this guide in a printable format, please use the links below:
If you prefer online, interactive resources to develop your mastery of English grammar, here is an illustrative selection:
English for Uni (University of Adelaide)
This multimedia resource provides detailed explanations of some grammar issues with relevance to academic writing (Articles, Tenses, The Passive, Prepositions). Information is presented as a webpage and video story. Activities with key can be completed online or downloaded in an editable version.
English Page Free online English lessons (introductory-level explanations on a range of grammar issues followed by self-assessment tests)
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL, Purdue University)
Detailed grammar explanations with examples, some activities (with key). Printable worksheets. Areas include: prepositions, articles, verbs, adjectives, numbers etc.
The Internet Grammar of English (University College London)
This is essentially a comprehensive online grammar book (or course), also available as an app. Good search options. Detailed explanations, followed by independent study activities.