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Open Day: Enquiry Services

Library and Learning Services DIgital Open Day

Just Ask! for library help and advice

Our support teams can be contacted via our online services (JustAsk or live LibChat). Just Ask can be contacted online where our FAQs can also be accessed. You can also see our range of live LibChat channels. We are a customer focussed service who aim to support you, and are consistently rated highly for our customer service.

Currently and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic we are offering a reduced physical service but our support is still available remotely. We have a number of face-to-face enquiry points in the Library which we will re-open once we are able to do so safely and within Covid-19 guidelines. 


We hold Customer Service Excellence which is a government customer service quality mark, in recognition of the quality of the service we provide

Library and Learning Services' Customer Service Excellence Mark