Books are particularly useful for an introduction to or broad overview of a topic. The Library has both print books and E-Books and you will find both by searching Library Search.
In the library, books about the same subject are assigned the same shelfmark number which you will find on the spine of each book and listed on the catalogue. Here is a selection of shelfmarks for Games Art, Animation and Graphic Arts:
Animation: cinema 791.433
Animation: drawing 741.58
Animation: techniques 778.5347
Drawing techniques 743
Graphic design 741.6
Illustration 741.9
Lettering, calligraphy 745.6
Multimedia (computing) 006.6
Multimedia (systems) 006.7
Posters and advertising 769.5
Photography 770
Typography 686.2
Video Art 778.59
Visual communication 152.14
Use journals to find:
The free Libby app gives you access to an array of e-books and magazines from DMU library with a leisure reading angle. These are provided in addition to the range of academic e-books and journal subscriptions that you can access via our catalogue and our print Leisure Reading collection in Kimberlin Library. All you need to access these collections is to download the Libby app and sign into our library using your single sign-on details to begin browsing and borrowing from the digital collection.
You can also read on Libby within a browser.
There is a guide to using the Libby app on the library web page here