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Finding, Referencing and Evaluating legal materials: Cases

Finding Cases on Westlaw

To find UK cases on Westlaw select the Cases tab and to find EU cases, select the EU tab as highlighted in red below:

If on Campus, DO NOT use Internet Explorer

Searching for a UK case

Use Westlaw (select the Cases tab) to search for the Cartier International AG v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd case

From the list of result, select the case which has the neutral citation [2016] EWCA Civ 658 and click on the yellow highlighted 'Case analysis'

Answer the following questions:

  • In which Court was the case heard?
  • Click on 'Appellate History & Status' on the left hand side menu. In which court was the Case first heard?
  • Go back to the top of the screen and select the first highlighted citation of the case and click on it to go to the judgment of the Case.
  • Scroll down to the actual judgment of the case. Who were the 5 Internet Service Providers who appealed against the decision made by Judge Arnold in the High Court?


Referencing a UK case

You are referring to paragraph 858 of the case reported in the All England Law Reports and which citation is [2012] 1 All ER 806.

  • What are the name of the parties of the case?
  • How would you reference it on your first footnote?
  • Will you include the case in the bibliography?

Check page 11 of the DMU footnote guide for guidance

Searching for and referencing a EU case

  1. Select the EU tab in Westlaw.
  2. Search for the case C-324/09  using the 'Case or Document No.' search box
  3. From the list of results, select the 'Judgment of the Court' (next to 'Title')
  • What are the name of the parties of the case?
  • Name one of the EC Directives mentioned in the ruling of the case
  • How would you reference the case in a footnote?

Check the bottom of page 6 and the top of page 7 of the DMU footnote guide for guidance.