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Bibliometrics: Glossary


Article Influence Score

Metric demonstrating the average influence of a journal. Essentially, the Eigenfactor Score (see Journal bibliometrics) divided by the number of articles published in the 5-year window. Source/toolsJournal Citation Reports

Article Level (Biblio)metrics

Metrics associated with a single journal article

Author (Biblio)metrics

Used to track how often an author is cited, and to demonstrate the reach and impact of their work


Description of a cited source.  Contains information such as author’s name, title, publisher, date of publication.

Citation Analysis

Examination of a set of citations to establish patterns and frequency.  SciVal and Web of Science offer tools for citation analysis, these identify metrics and trends relating to authors, publications, institutions and collaborations.

Citation Counts

Citation Index

An index or database which tracks citations (or references) between research outputs. Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus measure how often publications have been cited and gives details of those citing it.

Citation Patterns

Frequency and number of citations to papers. Disciplines will have different citation patterns, as will the type of research and publication.



The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.  A declaration from individuals and organisations worldwide who have signed up to its principles for responsible research assessments. Not to be confused with DMU's outputs repository, DORA.

EigenFactor Score

Field Weighted Citation Impact



Version of the h-index (see author bibliometrics) limited to articles published in the last 5 years.  Source/toolsSciVal

Journal Acceptance Rates

Journal (Biblio)metrics

Metrics that measure, compare, and often rank research and scholarly publications. 

Journal Citation Reports

A citation-based journal ranking resource updated annually by Clarivate:

Journal Impact Factor (JIF)


Also known 'field-weighting' or 'field-normalisation', this corrects citation differences between fields, such as differences in publication, collaboration and citation practice, by including indicators which take into account the context of the citation.  Results are rescaled according to subject discipline or time-frame.  

Outputs in Top Percentiles

Demonstrates the extent to which a research entity (author, group, or institution)'s documents are present in the most-cited percentiles of a data universe. Source/toolsSciVal

SciMago Journal Rank

Source Normalised Impact (SNIP)