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Library Engagement Project: Welcome

We are developing a new library experience for DMU

The #FutureLibraryDMU Library Development Project journey has begun. As of January 2024 we are working actively with Associated Architects and Pulse Project Management. Currently at RIBA Stage 1, we're undertaking explorations of initial concepts, timelines and a decant strategy for how we might deliver our services and support to you while construction work takes place. As proposals start to shape up, we'll be sharing them here and at consultation events to get your feedback later in 2024

3D render of existing Kimberlin Library and the Eric Wood Building

3D render of existing Kimberlin Library and the Eric Wood Building viewed from VJP. How might this look by 2027?

DMU campus journeys and possible development areas

Possible development area? At the intersection of campus journeys we're looking at options for renewal and expansion of your home for learning

Agile group working space? What balance and types of spaces and furniture do we need in our future library?

A place for print in the re-imagined library? And what sort of lighting should we have?

student engagement roof garden ideas

Student feedback from 2018 engagement work. Daylight, roof gardens and biophilia featured strongly in our workshops and feedback - what do you think?

Engagement feeds our vision! Your project feedback to date has informed our improvements to the existing Kimberlin spaces for the 2023/24 academic year

Booths have proved extremely popular in renewal experiments in Kimberlin Library. We bought more for Autumn 2023 based on your project feedback! Where's your favourite, and why?

student engagement work

A home for our expert support services in student engagement work from 2018, but what form should that be in a post-Covid landscape? Integrating services that we've had to evolve elsewhere on campus due to lack of space like our prized Drawing Centre

How much space for individual working does our future library need? Does individual necessarily mean quiet space? Our experience says not, but what do you think? Post-Covid we see much more demand for space to listen to lectures or attend Teams meetings

What place does fixed IT have in the library of the future? What infrastructure do we need to run a truly smart-campus building? Should we have the means to provide information on whether your favourite seat or PC is free before you visit?

Mobile devices, agile working. You love our laptop loan service, but what balance of BYOD and campus IT should we plan for?

student engagement response to floor use

Student feedback from 2018 engagement work - "we'd like a slide running through the library please" We think there's a place for imagination and fun in learning spaces, do you?

Task lighting for workspaces? A concept we experimented with in KL00:16's re-imaging as a student study space as part of our #SpaceForSuccess project

Wipe boards and our Smart Paint walls in syndicate rooms are hugely popular for collaborative work and revision. What's your favourite tool for collaboration, and do we have it in the library? What else should we have?

Light and a connection to the outdoors was a key feature of 2018 engagement work, but library users keep the blinds closed because of the sun. How do we reconcile comfort and desire to create Goldilocks moments?

"We are planning an ambitious reimagining that will support a diverse student body and which will facilitate new forms of research and learning. A new library extension and redesign of the current space will help create the conditions for success for our students and faculty, and establish a model for a next generation library.

It will offer access to expert services that extend beyond the walls of the library to support student learning and academic success, to support research, digital scholarship and transformations to scholarly communication.

Creating a new Library offer will also foster new opportunities to engage with the city, region and its communities by delivering an exciting spectrum of social, cultural and academic engagement activities.

Both digital and physical, dynamic and enduring, empowering and inspiring. A manifestation of the mission and vision of the university at the core of the university experience. We are now asking staff and students to help create this new library experience".

Best wishes


Katie Normington, Vice Chancellor

(Project Launch Announcement, March 2023)