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Partner Students RefWorks: Creating bibliographies/reference lists

What is a bibliography?

Some people use the terms bibliography and reference list synonymously.

When you are asked to produce a reference list or bibliography be sure that you are supplying what the requestor wants.

  • A bibliography is a list of all the sources which you have consulted/read in preparing your document. However, you may not have cited or referred to these sources in your work.
  •  A reference list differs in that it only includes the sources that you have cited and not your background reading.

RefWorks provides two ways of creating bibliographies or reference lists, Create Bibliography and Quick Cite.

NOTE: There are hundreds of referencing styles available in RefWorks. If you use Harvard (Cite Them Right) make sure you choose the style called Cite Them Right - Harvard. Our FAQ gives more information on choosing the correct referencing style in RefWorks.

Creating a bibliography within RefWorks

This is the quickest way to create a bibliography or reference list within RefWorks. 

  • Select the folder that you want to create a bibliography from.  You can select individual references to include in the bibliography by using the tick boxes. If you want a bibliography of all of the references within all your folders then click All Documents at the top of the menu on the left hand side.
  • Click on the double quotation marks symbol (") on the top menu

The double quotation button for creating a bibliography 







  • Click on Create bibliography. RefWorks will create a list of your references. You can then check this for accuracy and copy and paste it into the document you are working on. 
  • If you want to change the referencing style choose a new style from the drop down menu on the top of the screen

The create bibliography option

You can use Quick Cite to create a bibliography, as well as using it to create your in-text citations. 

  • Select the folder that you want to create a bibliography from.  You can select individual references to include in the bibliography by using the tick boxes. If you want a bibliography of all of the references within all your folders then click All Documents at the top of the menu on the left hand side.
  • Click on the double quotation marks symbol and choose Quick Cite.
  • Choose your referencing style
  • If you hover over a reference you want to use a Copy citation button appears. Clicking on this will create an in-text citation that you can copy into your assignment.
  • Check that star to the right of the reference has a blue ribbon around it. This will add it to your bibliography.

Quick cite menu

  • You can keep the Quick Cite menu open whilst you work on an assignment. Once you have finished click on Continue to bibliography and RefWorks will create your bibliography or reference list for you to copy into your document.

Quick cite bibliography screen

Video: Writing with RefWorks