A key online database for global business and economics topics, including thousands of full-text journals, company news, country/industry reports and trend reporting.
EBSCO's Business Source Complete is an indispensable resource for business students. The database supports research in key business areas such as accounting, finance, management, marketing and economics. The database also includes country economic reports from a range of authoritative sources.
The Emerald publishing platform provides access to articles from over 120 important academic journal titles in the fields of business, management and economics. Full-text archives date from 1994 and abstracts from 1989.
EBSCO's Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary database that provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed titles.
Indexes scholarly journals covering science, technology, textiles, health, medicine and social sciences from 1960s to date. You may need to 'activate' your account on first use of this resource.
Statista is a global business data platform. The resource includes insights and facts across 600 industries and 50+ countries. Use it for market, company and country research topics.
The Financial Times website provides global corporate, financial and political developments. It includes in depth special reports, company information and market data. If you are a new user, you will need to register for a myFT account which will allow you to personalise the news feeds you follow. There are instructions on how to access FT.com on the library website.