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Student IT and Digital Skills Induction: Course Timetable

Course Timetable - Where and When teaching will take place

Access from MyDMU and the Timetable Tile

Course timetables for undergraduate and most postgraduate courses can be accessed from MyDMU and the Timetable 'tile'. By default your timetable will appear in the monthly calender view and will detail scheduled teaching session events.

Teaching Sessions

Selecting a date in your interactive timetable will provide further details of the teaching session(s).

Teaching sessions will be on campus, face-to-face sessions.

Details of the teaching session will include:

  • Name of teaching session
  • Location Details, building and room numbers (face-to-face sessions)


Online Meeting Links

This link will only be used where it is an online only teaching session or where prior arrangements have been agreed for remote access in lieu of your face-to-face class. If you have any queries, please contact  your module leader or Faculty Student Advice Centre.

  • The text link for the online meeting should only be accessed and used for online teaching sessions only.
  • These online meeting links are auto generated for face to face sessions too, however this is only to be accessed if prior agreements have been made instead of a face to face session.
  • Select the 'Refresh' icon Refresh icon at the bottom of timetable at the bottom of your timetable before you select a online meeting link, this ensures any updates to links are applied

Online teaching sessions are supported using MS Teams. MS Teams supports communication and collaboration online and is part of your DMU MS 365 (Microsoft). This will be covered in more detail under the section 'Using MS Teams for online sessions' and is essential reading so that you access an online meeting correctly using your DMU student account.

Postgraduate Course Timetables

Some postgraduate courses do not use the timetable tile in MyDMU and instead include a course timetable in the online course materials in the virtual learning environment - LearningZone. You will be communicated about how you can access your timetable or module planner from your LearningZone modules and also through email communications.

Your timetable will include details for the teaching session and online meeting links which are supported using MS Teams.

If you are unsure about some details, you can query this with the programme administrator or your module tutors from your email communications.

Example Course Timetable 
Example Course Timetable
Refresh button in your Timetable

Refresh button