I provide academic writing and study skills support to all DMU students through in-curriculum sessions, self-selecting workshops and one-to-one support. Key aspects of my role include leading the embedded CLaSS provision for the Faculty of Business and Law, coordinating the LLS Open Programme of Workshops and leading the Writing Group for Research Students, in partnership with my Library colleague Neil Skinner.
I joined DMU in 2017, having previously held roles in the areas of Academic Writing, English Literature and EAP at Coventry University, the University of Warwick and the University of Bucharest (Romania). After graduating in English and Romanian, Language and Literature, my long-term love of English literature led to a PhD in English and Comparative Literary Studies from the University of Warwick (2011), as well as a number of research publications in the field. Following a period of engaging with both literature and academic writing, my career has moved more firmly into the area of writing support. My current research interests focus on the areas of student engagement with writing development and online pedagogies