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Remote Teaching: Home


Remote teaching

Reflections on remote teaching
From the DMU National Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow/CATE community


How to... 

Improve your online teaching 

Design a discussion forum 

Incorporate Universal Design Learning (UDL) in online teaching 

Get set up on LinkedIn Learning

Run a semi-flipped classroom (webinar)

Learner-teacher partnership in times of COVID-19:
A community poll to share practices and perspectives


Guidance on...


Goal oriented learning

Synchronous online delivery

Mastery learning in a virtual world

UDL micro learning

Your options for online teaching - advantages and disadvantages

Library and Learning Services - access to resources online


Learning and teaching technologies

The team from the Centre for Enhancing Learning through Technology (CELT) provide training to enhance your use of the various learning technologies available at DMU. 

Guidance for the use of Microsoft Office tools (such as Teams meetings and Teams Live event) 

Support and how to guides for all of the applications associated with Microsoft Office 365 are provided by POD.


Teaching, Learning and Personal Tutoring mini conference
View the resources from September 2020 conference

Learning and Teaching Conference
February 2021
Watch the recordings


Case studies

Get in touch and share your virtual teaching success stories for us to publish here. 

Watch this space!

Contact us 

If you have useful content to add the toolkit or you can't find the support you're after, get in touch with the Centre for Academic Innovation and we'll assist.